I have been a little remiss in introducing the newest member of my family. Her name is Mollie, and I adopted her from the Animal Care Facility (aka "The Pound") 2 weeks ago. She was found wandering about and was picked up by animal care workers. No one seems to know her story, who she belonged to or what happened to her family. This is common with animals who end up at the Pound.
Best guess, Mollie is around 18 months to two years old and possibly a mix of Wolfhound and Golden Retriever. She is incredibly friendly and extremely eager to please. Every time I look at her she wags her tail and if I come into a room where she is she is immediately on her feet and rushing over to greet me. I also have Hopie the Wonder Dog (golden retriever) who is 3.5 years, and Mollie is super friendly with Hopie. Hopie is less enthusiastic about Mollie, but is adjusting well.
I am glad I could give Mollie a home. She needs some work with training, but has already learned to sit and to wait until told it is okay to eat food. She also understands when she is to go and get on her blanket! I like her.
Mollie is now Mollie Jones, and this is her forever home.