These are my patient puppies, awaiting the word that will allow them to fly down the hall to the front door for our walk.
I find it interesting that they look almost identical in photos when in actual fact, they are quite different. Hopie (on the left) is slightly smaller in body size, her fur is smoother, her paws are delicate, her ears are smaller and she has the "feathering" of fur common to pure bred Golden Retrievers . Mollie is my pound hound, most likely a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Wolfhound. She has wiry fur that is slightly whiter in colour than Hopie. Her feet are MASSIVE, she is tall enough that her nose can (and does) sniff the kitchen bench. Mollie is also about 2 years younger than Hopie and prone to silliness and general pesty-ness. Hopie is prone to naps and getting her own way. I love them both more than you can possibly imagine. They bring me great joy.
Soon after this shot was snapped this afternoon we were off out the door on our walk. I have been walking for almost three months now. Combined with a lot of diet modifications, my walking has seen me lose 14kg (just over 30 pounds). It's exciting and I feel so much better for it.
Only one week until my Great European Adventure. Hooray!