Barbara DeMarco Barrett
This book has changed my life. I purchased it in November 2006 when I was living in San Antonio, Texas and it was one of my first purchases in the genre of “writing inspiration.” I started reading and enjoyed the prompts that followed each short chapter and only required 15 minutes spare time. This was my first taste of writing to prompts and I found it useful and productive. Barbara's easy and friendly writing style is relaxed, but well informed and I liked the way she discussed writing concepts and ideas and made suggestions, while mixing in quotes from other authors.
The life changing part came about when I realised that the author of this book hosts a radio show out of the University of California Irvine called “Writers on Writing”. When I returned to Australia I looked up the show on itunes and started downloading. I listen to the podcasts at night when I can’t sleep, when I'm travelling and feeling anxious, and in the car. I’ve read about a dozen books written by authors whose interviews I've listened to on Writers on Writing. Some of them have been WAY out of the genres I usually read in, and I’ve really enjoyed expanding my horizons. More importantly, I feel like I have a greater insight into a book after hearing the author speak about it on the show. I have a list of about another 30 books to read, all recommendations from the show, and I’m looking forward to more. Barbara and her co-host Marie Stone, ask the authors appearing on the show interesting, well informed questions which are both kind and insightful. I have no doubt that both Barbara and Marie have read the books in question and, most importantly, are excited to talk about them with the author.
Occasionally the show focuses on agents and “the business of writing” and thanks to these shows I have a pretty good idea on how to approach an agent and write a query letter, when the time is right and my “fictional novel” (just kidding! This is apparently a mistake made in a lot of query letters to agents) is finished.
I only just finished off this book today, having picked it up off and on for a few years. I have not completed all the exercises and look forward to returning to my favourite pages, picking up my ink, quill and journal and going for it. I doubt Barbara DeMarco Barrett will read this review, but just in case - thanks for changing my writing and reading life Barbara!