Friday, December 28, 2007

Introducing Good Golly Miss Mollie

I have been a little remiss in introducing the newest member of my family. Her name is Mollie, and I adopted her from the Animal Care Facility (aka "The Pound") 2 weeks ago. She was found wandering about and was picked up by animal care workers. No one seems to know her story, who she belonged to or what happened to her family. This is common with animals who end up at the Pound.

Best guess, Mollie is around 18 months to two years old and possibly a mix of Wolfhound and Golden Retriever. She is incredibly friendly and extremely eager to please. Every time I look at her she wags her tail and if I come into a room where she is she is immediately on her feet and rushing over to greet me. I also have Hopie the Wonder Dog (golden retriever) who is 3.5 years, and Mollie is super friendly with Hopie. Hopie is less enthusiastic about Mollie, but is adjusting well.

I am glad I could give Mollie a home. She needs some work with training, but has already learned to sit and to wait until told it is okay to eat food. She also understands when she is to go and get on her blanket! I like her.

Mollie is now Mollie Jones, and this is her forever home.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Now and Then

Now I stand on the brink of beginning my 31st year.

Then I was small, trusting and excited.

Now I am wary, subdued and unsure.

Then life was interesting - day upon day of new things to learn, friends to play with and dreams to dream.

Now I face my days with a sense of apathy, a stilted sense of time and broken dreams litter the ground around me, their spines broken and their innards spilled onto the cold and unforgiving earth.

Then I would have scooped up the broken bodies of my dreams, wrapped them in a warm blanket and prayed desperately that they would survive. Perhaps they would have.

But now I don't even try to pick them up. Death is a hated old friend of mine and I have come to expect its clammy hand to reach out from the darkness unexpectedly to pluck the things I hold dearest from my arms.

Then I would have cried, pleaded, looked for "God" to help me, to believe in me, to make it okay.

Now I expect nothing and get less. "God" is a big empty uncaring sky and I've lost any belief I had in serving Him, Her, It.

Parts of me are dead inside, now. Perhaps the parts that were the most alive, then.

Now, I don't think it is hopeless. Sparks of me then are in those almost dead dreams now. One or two of those dreams can be scooped up and nursed back to life. I have that much inside of me now. And who knows? Maybe one or two of those dreams will survive and thrive and change my life.

wouldn't that be something?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Santa Lucia Dolls

I have been busily crafting away this month on my other blog A Crafty Christmas which has been lots of fun, yet very time consuming. My latest project is Santa Lucia dolls, which I made from a kit provided by Alicia Paulson from Rosy Little Things. Aren't they adorable?

Technically they were supposed to be ready for 13 December, but as I received the kit later due to the time shipping takes between the US and Australia, I started making the dolls on the 13th and have almost finished them on the 22nd! Either way, they were so much fun and I just love them. I'm also really proud of myself and my creative crafting abilities. Yay!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

My weekend in photographs...

Saturday started with a trip to a yummy cafe.

I like this cafe...the food is tasty and I enjoy the polished wooden floorboards and the interesting decor. My Mom had a bagel.

And I had Apple Pancakes with Cinnamon Icecream.

Then we went to a Fair at the Redemptionist Monastery, a place I have driven past many times but never actually walked the grounds.

It was peaceful. And we bought fruitcake!

There was a Christening in the church, but the kind lady told me I could take some photographs, so I did, being careful to turn my flash off first.

I like churches. I would like to live in one.

On Sunday I went to a park on the river for a BBQ brunch for my friend's son who turned four. I bought him an illustrated book of children's poetry.

I took photos of the river.

Then we went to a Christmas Craft Fair at a beautiful house on the river. There were some lovely crafts.

We bought this reindeer and put him next to our piano. He makes me smile.

I got this message from the "Affirmation Fairy". I paid attention and went home and napped.

A lovely weekend. I am content.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Coaching the Artist Within (Part II)

The next exercise is called Embracing Dualities. To begin, I am to make a long list of dualities:

Attachment and detachment
Process and product
Personal and commercial
Work and play
Idea and expression
Discipline and flexibility
Individuality and relationship
Material and spiritual
Being and doing
Knowing and feeling
Simplicity and complexity
Mind and body
Fiction and nonfiction
Art and craft
Rock and jazz
Practice and performance
Draft and final
Solitude and sociability
Now and then
Want and need
Write and journal

Now I am to take each pair on my list, one at a time, and for each member of the pair I am to say the following:

“Attachment is available to me. Detachment is available to me. Both principles are available to me, and I honour both equally”. Then I am to repeat for all of these dualities with the point being that one does not cancel out the other. I get that. I have been a bit of an extremist in the past, taking and idea and turning it into an absolute. To be honest, I still do it a little bit but I am getting better.

I just did the exercise and it was surprisingly good. I almost skipped it because it didn’t seem very powerful, but sometimes deep meaning lies in the simple and this is one of those times. The most uncomfortable one for me was “journal and write”. I tend to think of journaling as a way to avoid writing. I have also picked up from somewhere, everywhere, that journaling is either a prelude to writing, separate from writing or an excuse not to write. When in actual fact, journaling is its own process and has its own value. Another uncomfortable one for me is “relationship and individuality”. I tend to see a relationship as the loss of individuality, or at the very least, the compromising on availability. Again, not necessarily true. I will have to ponder this exercise some more and return to it frequently.

The next exercise is a continuation of the first and is called Eliminating Dualities. Eric recommends looking at your work and instead of asking “Should I be more disciplined or more spontaneous?” I should say “What does my work require of me?”. Subtle, but quite a difference. Perhaps the key to this is to see the work as it sown entity, its own body, requiring certain assistance from me. After the work is created it does take on a life of its own and I am usually slightly stunned thinking “Where did this come from?” Like anything that is gaining shape and forming it needs certain things from me so by putting the focus on what the work needs, not what I need or I feel like doing, it might provide much needed perspective.

Uncle Eric is really quite clever… He says this exercise will bring about a “profound change. You begin to make decisions based on an integrative, holistic, nondualistic basis rather than in accordance with the connotations that words like research, craft and discipline carry. You gain freedom and clarity. You start each day fresh, you start each moment fresh, and you return to each project fresh.”

Amen to that!

The next skill is Generating Mental Energy, which is something I have given a decent amount of thought to in recent months. I was in a horrible, horrible job for a while and I remember someone saying to me “Take that mental energy you are putting into worrying about that job, and getting upset about that job and put it into something you love, something that interests you”. So I’ve been working on doing that. In this exercise – Contemplating Mental Energy – Eric states the following:

Keeping a defensive lid on life is real work and a real energy drain. No one mentally tires out more completely than the person who knows she ought to make meaning in a certain way but refuses to do so, unless it is the person who wages internal war about whether it would be better to pursue this or that meaning-making route.

I declared war on myself from the moment I realised I wanted to write. And the war continues, although I am pleased to say I am winning more battles these days.

In this exercise I must answer the three following questions:
What generates mental energy?
What saps mental energy?
What replenishes mental energy?

Mental energy is generated by excitement, ideas, enjoyment, laughter, fun, intrigue and stimulation.

Mental energy is sapped by worry, distress, illness, boredom, over stimulation, procrastination, self loathing and grief.

Mental energy is replenished by self belief, adventure, fresh air, dreaming, exploring, opening, hoping, playing, resting, reading, planning and achieving.

The next exercise makes me want to giggle. It is called “Cultivating Positive Obsessions” and it involves bringing my current project to mind and saying “You fascinate me” and “You are SO intriguing” and “I am dying to work on you” and “I’m getting SO excited” and “I’m thinking about you day and night”.

It’s hysterical! Like my stories are lovers or something…”Oh baby, I can’t wait to see you tonight, the things I’m going to do to you…” Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

The next skill for Coaching the Artist Within is Creating in the Middle of Things. Eric poses the following question: How does a person manage to create in the middle of things?

I am not someone who has small children (or any children, although I do have a dog) or a career that requires 10 hour days. Time for me is not something I have to carve out of my day. It is there in abundance and I’d say I use about 50% of it constructively…maybe a little less. I do not watch a lot of television and I do read a lot which I consider time well spent. But I do surf the net a lot (more reading) but as we all know, the internet is pretty much A number 1 in the art of time suckage. It’s a time burglar!

When I was working through the Artist’s Way early this year I got up 20 minutes early every morning for just over 3 months and wrote my “morning pages”. I stopped after I’d finished the book mainly because I couldn’t find the encouragement within myself to continue…plus I write in my conservatory and it was winter and very cold out there in the mornings! I have not returned to morning pages since and I do not miss them.

In regards to creating in the middle of things, I just need to schedule time and ACTUALLY DO IT. That is the kicker for me, all the time in the world (well, not quite! I still have to earn a living) and I do not use it to my full advantage. I will make an appt with myself for tomorrow night to create. I may paint or write for at least 30minutes from 7:30pm.

Phew…that’s all the exercises I have in me for today. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Eric Maisel's Coaching the Artist Within

I've been reading Eric Maisel's Coaching the Artist Within on and off for a while now. I have done several of the exercises but have been putting off doing the others for a while now (gee, what a suprise). I am currently doing a temporary receptionist job at one of the most boring offices in the world, so it is a good time to spend going through exercises.

Firstly, a quote from Eric:

Life is easier on cogs than on independent souls, gives more support to those who go along than to those who speak out. You, however, will be loud and independent. This is a decision you make.

Yeah...ain't that the truth, Eric old pal?

Exercise 3
Arriving at Your Life Purpose Statement

List your life purposes:

To learn
To connect with others
To help people
To be of use
To know myself
To write
To create community
To be creative
To see the world

I am then to put these in order of importance, but t is hard to rank ideas that are so close to my heart.

Now to the sentence that will become my instruction for living:

"I will be of use in my life, by helping the community and people around me. I will connect with and learn about people and places in creative ways, possibly involving the written word. I will know myself and I will walk my own path."

Well, that wasn't so bad.

Now to Exercise Four
Holding the Intention to Filfill Your Life Purposes

This exercise involves carrying around a stone and repeating my life purpose statement. A small stone, that is, not a ten kilo stone. Not the stone like the Stone of Leadership a naked Homer Simpson had to pull around after he was ordained leader of the Stonecutters. Something tells me my work colleagues might notice me carrying around a stone, even if it is a small one. I will save this exercise for the weekend.

I like this book, and I think it has a lot of interesting ideas. So, the adventure continues!

Monday, October 01, 2007


I went to lunch on Saturday. It was a bright and beautiful day. There is a little cafe that was once an old bakery, and they make nice food there. I had my book, and I was ready to enjoy the sunshine.

I wanted to order something healthy, but the sight of chicken and coriander quesedillas on the menu (an incredible rarity in Australia) quickly changed my mind. I ordered the quesedillas and took my seat in the sun, with my book open. The kind waitress bought my skinny latte and I sipped and read and enjoyed the mild warmth.

My quesadilla showed up and it was HUGE! It was divided into quarters and in the centre sat a small pot of sour cream. My immediate thought was "that is not enough sour cream". Before I had even taken a bite, I had decided it was not enough. I started eating, trying to dismiss this niggling thought. There WAS enough sour cream. It would be fine. If there wasn't enough I would ask the waitress for more. There. That ought to keep me happy. Wrong. The need for extra sour cream saw me get up from my seat and ask the waitress if I could please have some more. I told her I was happy to pay for it, but she said it was fine and smilingly brought me over a new pot of sour cream. I could relax now. But you know what? I didn't need the extra sour cream. I used maybe a tiny bit of it.

So why was I so obsessed with needing it? It is a symptom of why I overeat - I never know when I have enough. It is a symptom of who I am as a person - I don't seem to know when I am enough. And I am. I am enough, and I have enough. I don't need to stuff myself full of food to compensate for being less, because I AM ENOUGH.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

From these pencils...

From these pencils a wealth of colour will flow to create a bright canvas of hope, love, happiness and joy. I love this image.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Decisions

"Make good decisions" is a piece of advice I give to all of my clients. Most of them are high school students, facing some sort of issues in their life that are making it hard to show up to school, to concentrate on getting an education. I take a decision they have made, and trace it back through the various stages, and highlight all the times they had choices. Before they started swearing at the teacher there was a choice, before they agreed to sell marijuana on school grounds, there was a choice. Before they threw the first punch, there was a choice. Mostly they can see the choices available and show some degree of insight into why they made the choice they did, and see how this was maybe not the best thing for them. Sometimes, of course, they're just telling me what I want to hear, so I ask that very question - "Do you really believe it, or are you just telling me what you think I want to hear?" I admit to enjoying calling them on their bullshit. But as I read the prompt for today, I thought of my own decisions.

I've made the decision to spend most of my adult life travelling, or preparing to travel somewhere to do something. At the time it seems very important that I go and do this thing, whatever it is - live in another country, meet new people, push my boundaries, get away from here - but when I get there I am every bit as lost "there" than I am here. I am reminded of the movie "Sound of Music". The Baroness visits the Captain at his estate in Austria for the first time and she tells him he seems at home here, and asks him "How can you leave it as often as you do?" The Captain, whose wife died and left him with 7 children, replies "I don't know. Pretending to be madly busy...or perhaps, searching for a reason to stay". I wonder if that is me - I make the decision to leave not because of where I am going to go or what I am going to do, but rather because there is little reason to stay. If my mother didn't live here, there would be almost no reason, beyond my lovely friends and some extended family. Is a decision really a decision when there is nothing to decide? Perhaps the idea of actually making a decision is bullshit - maybe we just choose based on the given facts and dress choices up as decisions, somewhat akin to dressing mutton up as lamb. I'm not sure it actually matters if we are making choices or decisions. I may be rambling, or I may have hit upon something quite significant.

I work full time, and have chosen to do so in order to get my finances in shape. It isn't actually a decision as if I don't pay the bills, some guys will come and get me. It's a choice, because I don't want banks chasing me, and debt collectors appearing on my doorstep. I have chosen between two things - financial ruin and maintaining the status quo. But I have I really made a decision? Could I still live my life if I didn't pay my bills? Not really. I'd be in jail, or in court and my credit history would be toast and if I ever wanted a bank to loan me money I'd be screwed. I made the only decision I could, which means I didn't make a decision at all. I merely chose the lesser of two evils.

Alternatively, I choose not to fulfill my dream of being a writer, perhaps because I haven't yet made the decision to do so. That particular decision is going to cost me and I'm not sure I have it in me to pay the ferryman, who I think may already be looking for me. Perhaps he has caught the scent of an impossible dream in the wind around me. I had a strange dream when I napped today. I was in a huge line, standing in a dirty broken down boat that was floating on a thin strip of scummy water between concrete walls. There was an entrance to the underground, ahead and the boats there were disappearing into a black cave. A live rotting corpse with green skin was standing right before the entrance and it was dressed in a filthy brown cloak. The boats were backed up as this was where we had to pay to get through and I remember feeling dread, like this rotting corpse was going to want me to pay an impossibly high price to get into the cave. With boats behind me, and boats in front of me filled with scared and horrified people just like me, it wasn't like I could make a decision not to pay. There was no options. There was no choice, and no decision. I had to pay, and it was going to hurt, the screaming kind of hurt. I wonder if choices and decisions are an illusion of free will - if we make ourselves believe we can choose, when in actual fact, there is nothing to choose, no decision to make. You do what society tells you to do, and if you don't a rotting corpse at the mouth of a yawning cave leading into fuck knows where will make you pay the dearest price imaginable.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Wicked

There are some that will tell you a person is either good or wicked.

I disagree. Life is not black or white, but rather ever increasing shades of gray. In much the same way, one is not wicked or good, but instead one can span the spectrum. A little more good, a little more wicked, completely wicked, a "good Christian", someone who could be wicked but chooses not to be, someone who is horrified by the very concept of being wicked.

I remember the actual day when I realised I was more wicked than good.

I was watching a television show called "Hex". The story was that a young girl named Cassie was inextricably attracted to a fallen angel, Azazeal. The relationship was all wrong, and really, Azazeal was a complete shit. He tricked Cassie into sleeping with him, he killed her best friend, he stalked her and ultimately she would die for him. The one thing he had going for him was the fact that a part of his black soul did love Cassie and he was extraordinarily gentle with her and apparently the sex was amazing. Obviously as a viewer you're led to think "No Cassie, don't do it!" and for a while I was thinking that, even after she did sleep with him and her self destruction was inevitable. I remember the actual shift in my mind, like all of a sudden the turntable record player slipped its needle into another groove. This groove was unfamiliar in a way, but in another way it felt like coming home. Like this was the tune my body was playing all along, and my mind was only just catching up. Screw the world, I thought. If that was me, I'd choose Azazeal. Even if the world would come crumbling down around us. An inherently selfish decision, and definitely wicked.

It is strange to think I would revise my world view based on a story about a fallen angel. Then again, humans have been telling and retelling stories that feature key themes, such as good versus evil. What is the movie Transformers if it is not an epic battle of good versus evil? We're supposed to want good to win. "It's the right thing to do" people say. Right according to who I wonder? God? Not my God. But perhaps yours. Are you "good" because you're frightened that if you're not, they won't let you in the pearly gates at the end of this life? If that is so, you're not actually choosing. Your God is standing over you with a hefty 2 x 4 and you're doing whatever it takes not to be hit on the back of the head with it.

Maybe the human race is basically wicked and chooses to wear a thin veneer of good, to fool God and whoever else might be watching. I don't give a shit about that God, or the people watching, but I'm not totally wicked. If I was I would have more sex, more confidence and generally care less about everything but the moment. That sounds pretty damn good actually. Maybe all we have is this moment and the next and the sheer decadence and silky sexiness of being so wicked that it hurts. The good kind of hurt, that unfurls somewhere around your pelvis and unleashes pulses of the unexpected that force you to crawl over the hood of a car and seduce some bad boy in a leather jacket for everything he's got, and a few things he doesn't.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Superhero Necklace

After what seems like decades (but has only been months) I have ordered the above necklace! I found Andrea at Superhero Designs accidently and instantly fell in love with her necklaces. They are totally unlike anything else I've ever seen before and while I'm not a huge necklace person or a huge bead person, the one above shouted my name loud and clear. The necklace is not cheap (we're talking about A$85.00 including postage) but Andrea has such a wonderful business philosophy and as an independent business owner and gifted artist, it is not a lot to pay.
You can imagine my dismay when I clicked on the "buy" button a few months ago only to discover that Andrea had closed the store "temporarily" while she gave birth and started to nurture her son Ben. Fortunately Andrea has re-opened (for a limited time!) and I was able to swoop in and order my necklace. It is called "Cotton Candy" and I love it already.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

With every brushstroke...

Here is the purchase I actually made today:

Here is the artist's explanation of what they are:

"My flags are inspired by Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags and Native American burden baskets. Each flag represents a prayer to be sent out into the world. The pockets on the flags are intended to carry your burdens, hopes, dreams, worries, and so on that are then released into the world as the flags blow in the breeze (although these flags are intended to be hung inside).

This set is from the "story" series. Each flag has a few words that make up a little story. This one reads: With every brushstroke, stitch, and vintage button, she heals, the little girl inside her heals."

I image that with the word "brushstroke", the artist actually mean "word", and then I relate it to my writing. It makes sense. The artist's name is lizlamoreux and you can find her on Etsy.

Cupcake Madness

I am not sure why I have suddenly gone cupcake crazy, but here is some of the cupcake cuteness I would like to own:

This adorable cupcake vinyl pouch is from Barry's Farm and I'm currently trying to get them to make me a tote bag with the same motif...SO cute.

This is indeed a necklace full of also comes in sushi and is from the gorgeous website Shana Logic. Heaps of unique and cool items from Indie shops can be found at Shana's website, however my big complaint is that a lot of the stuff is sold out! This is sad especially when I would have loved this:

Yes, that is a cupcake on the scarf. They still have it in black, but I don't doesn't speak to me like the pink does.

Update on this: I contacted the company who make this scarf (Peep Accessories) and they're making one in pink for me! I heart them! Mucho love on them!

Okay, I'm me cupcake girl. I can handle it.

Sunday Scribblings: Astrology

I think astrology is bullshit, and this is unfortunate as I tend to hang out with a "new age" crowd who all know which star sign the moon is currently in and say stuff like "Oh my GOD, my moon is in Jupiter and you know what that is like" or "I found out he is a Gemini! That explains sooooooo much". I am not sure why this irritates me so much, or why I've never really been interested in having it explained to me.

I guess the bottom line is that I don't like the irrationality of astrology. It seems like it isn't based on anything remotely logical, just a bunch of crap mish mashed together with your date of birth and time of birth. I find that very interesting - perhaps time and date of birth meant something pre everyone and their dog opting for c-sections and choosing the date and time of their birth (day births are much less disruptive on hospital staff, you know), well, doesn't that just make 50% of births for the past 10 years or so pre determined? I'm 30 years old, and I was born on December 31 1976. I was actually supposed to be born several days later, but my mother's doctor was keen to have a holiday break and convince my mother to be induced.

The fact that I was born on 31 December and not 2 or 3 January means that I started school (at that time we worked on a January-December birthdate requirement, not the June to July one we work on now) with kids who were anywhere from 1 month to an entire year older than me. Imagine if I was born just 12 hours later, I would have been in a different grade at school, had different friends. Who knows how my life would have been changed?

Alas, I would still be a Capricorn. From the little I have read, I have to admit to having something in common with the "typical" Capricorn - but I also have plenty in common with various other star signs as well. That's the thing about astrology - it can say so much and so little at the same time. My star sign for today, Sunday 1 July reads:

You try to be objective now, but "wishful thinking" rules somehow. With partners now it may be wise to do what's fair and compromise. Forgiveness could free you from bondage to guilt or resentment. The Roman army made war by day but made love at night. Take a hint. The way you feel today improves when you can make some winning moves. An attraction that is curious grows for one who seems mysterious. You might be attracted to someone who seems sexy and somewhat sarcastic. If you value money or possessions more than love, you may lose some soon.

I mean really...what a big heaping steaming pile of crap. I don't have a partner, so there is currently no love making at night, or at any other time for that matter. Forgiveness can always free a person from bondage and resentment - that's hardly big news. I might be attracted to someone sexy and sarcastic? Who? Leno? Carson Daly? I might also be attracted to the guy at the local gas station. I might be attracted to a lot of things and a lot of people.

It's just frustrating trying to make sense of a horoscope. They're vague enough to mean everything and nothing at the same time. But really... I'm a person who admitted in the first sentence of this post that I hang out with New Age people. I believe in magic (although magic is logical), spells, rituals, karma, love, frosted cupcakes and cute prayer flags that make me want to heal my inner child. So why the block when it comes to astrology?

Maybe I've just seen too many frauds. Maybe I really don't believe in all the things I just listed (except for the frosted cupcakes), and just wish I did. But because I see astrology as being associated with weirdos, frauds and crazy new age bookstore people who let it run their lives....wait. That's it.

I don't believe in astrology because I can't control it. And I fear what I can't control and because I fear lack of control I can confidently say astrology is all bullshit and know that at least a certain sector of the population will agree with me.

I hate it when I have to admit defeat. I do admire my brain though - I'm so fucking clever at fooling myself. Next thing you know I'll stop believing in cupcakes.