Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Eric Maisel's Coaching the Artist Within

I've been reading Eric Maisel's Coaching the Artist Within on and off for a while now. I have done several of the exercises but have been putting off doing the others for a while now (gee, what a suprise). I am currently doing a temporary receptionist job at one of the most boring offices in the world, so it is a good time to spend going through exercises.

Firstly, a quote from Eric:

Life is easier on cogs than on independent souls, gives more support to those who go along than to those who speak out. You, however, will be loud and independent. This is a decision you make.

Yeah...ain't that the truth, Eric old pal?

Exercise 3
Arriving at Your Life Purpose Statement

List your life purposes:

To learn
To connect with others
To help people
To be of use
To know myself
To write
To create community
To be creative
To see the world

I am then to put these in order of importance, but t is hard to rank ideas that are so close to my heart.

Now to the sentence that will become my instruction for living:

"I will be of use in my life, by helping the community and people around me. I will connect with and learn about people and places in creative ways, possibly involving the written word. I will know myself and I will walk my own path."

Well, that wasn't so bad.

Now to Exercise Four
Holding the Intention to Filfill Your Life Purposes

This exercise involves carrying around a stone and repeating my life purpose statement. A small stone, that is, not a ten kilo stone. Not the stone like the Stone of Leadership a naked Homer Simpson had to pull around after he was ordained leader of the Stonecutters. Something tells me my work colleagues might notice me carrying around a stone, even if it is a small one. I will save this exercise for the weekend.

I like this book, and I think it has a lot of interesting ideas. So, the adventure continues!

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