Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Now and Then

Now I stand on the brink of beginning my 31st year.

Then I was small, trusting and excited.

Now I am wary, subdued and unsure.

Then life was interesting - day upon day of new things to learn, friends to play with and dreams to dream.

Now I face my days with a sense of apathy, a stilted sense of time and broken dreams litter the ground around me, their spines broken and their innards spilled onto the cold and unforgiving earth.

Then I would have scooped up the broken bodies of my dreams, wrapped them in a warm blanket and prayed desperately that they would survive. Perhaps they would have.

But now I don't even try to pick them up. Death is a hated old friend of mine and I have come to expect its clammy hand to reach out from the darkness unexpectedly to pluck the things I hold dearest from my arms.

Then I would have cried, pleaded, looked for "God" to help me, to believe in me, to make it okay.

Now I expect nothing and get less. "God" is a big empty uncaring sky and I've lost any belief I had in serving Him, Her, It.

Parts of me are dead inside, now. Perhaps the parts that were the most alive, then.

Now, I don't think it is hopeless. Sparks of me then are in those almost dead dreams now. One or two of those dreams can be scooped up and nursed back to life. I have that much inside of me now. And who knows? Maybe one or two of those dreams will survive and thrive and change my life.

wouldn't that be something?


Betty Carlson said...

I certainly wish as much for you. You have so much of life still ahead of you...NOW!

Linda Jacobs said...

Wow, love those bodies of dreams wrapped in blankets!

And your bit of Pandora's hope is a nice ending.

Chris said...

Very well written. I hope it is a character speaking and not you, because the "now" seems so empty. I love the ending, hope rising eternal, nicely done. Thanks for the read.

paisley said...

this was very much familiar to me.. i am older than you,, but the disillusionment has not weakened... if anything.. i am more alienated today than i ever was...

very well put....

little wing writer said...

..never lose the child...

Tumblewords: said...

Here's hoping one of those dreams, or a new one, rises and shines. If I'd folded at your age, I'd have missed hundreds of dreams and people and ideas and, and, and...Nicely written post.

Liza on Maui said...

Let the THEN inspire you to renew the NOW...and inspire you to look forward to that bright TOMORROW

Claremont First Ward said...

This really resonants with me. So well put.

Anonymous said...

Then gets us to Now. It can't be any other way.

Anonymous said...

WOW ... a haunting read!

Patois42 said...

Now, that is sad but a bit of hopefulness.

Anonymous said...

My early 30s were very painful. My mid 40s are absolutely wonderful. If you are writing about you and not a character, just the writing and acknowledgment is a start.

I wish you a the best tomorrow, starting today!