Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: Observation

This is the perfect prompt for me this week as I have been sifting through my holiday memories and making random observations about the places I visited. This post is about one of my favourite places in Europe - Lucerne, Switzerland.


The view at the top of Mt Stanserhorn in Switzerland

Lake Lucerne

Lucerne as seen from the lake

A lovely white swan going about its business on the lake

This post is a little different. I wrote things on Lake Lucerne - not snippets, not stream of consciousness, not tiny glimpses of memories. I wrote fully formed sentences, crafted paragraphs of sights and sounds and feelings... Here are some of my favourites:

The water of the lake is so achingly clear that I can see the rocks on the bottom. It is like looking through fluid glass. I hear a car revving, people talking Swiss-German as they walk past my kelly green bench. I hear the splash of someone diving into the lake. I see perfectly white Swans gliding across the glassy surface like they have swum out of a storybook and into the scene before my eyes. I hear rope clanging softly against the metal masts of the yachts bobbing gently before me. My raspberry painted toenails rest on my shoes which rest on grey gravel that crunches as people walk by.

I breathe in peace and breathe out worry and tension. It is like the top of my head has been lifted up and a stream of ideas and concepts and consciousness has flowed in. A key in a lock, the completion of something I didn't know was undone.

There are white fluffy swan feathers on the surface of the lake, floating like nothing will ever weigh them down and they will simply float on this lake as it ebbs and flows until the end of days.


anthonynorth said...

Beautiful words, and spectacular pictures.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! What excellent homage you pay to the word 'observation'! the descriptive sentences are so rich, eloquent, embodying the senses and placing me there! Wonderful work!

linda may said...

Lovely post and a beautiful holiday to remember.

Granny Smith said...

You evoke the essence of the scene you described, using all the senses. And your photos are truly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures....

Has anything changed?

danni said...

your imagery is wonderful - when you speak of your head being unlocked, it sounded as if you were getting really balanced and grounded - sounds like a perfect place to let yourself be open to that - beautiful post!!!