I can imagine some of the responses to this prompt. People will write about the day they met their soul mate, or the day they met their baby. Heart rendering stuff, but also vomit inducing. There is only so many times you can hear “There is no love like the love you have for your child” or “When I met him, two became one”.
Yes siree, pass the bucket.
I’m a weird combination of a romantic soul and a practical person. I read Mills and Boons romances five in a row and then abruptly I decide it is all bullshit and I throw the paperback against the wall and deem the books stupid and misleading. Imagine if love really was like a romance novel? If you weren’t a slim 20 something virgin whose parents are usually dead or generally defective and you haven’t just met a stunningly handsome yet wounded billionaire, you’re out of luck. Sorry, sister. Love is not for the overweight, the self fulfilled or the poor. And then there’s the virgin thing… Of course romance novels have come a long way and not all of the female characters are virgins these days. But there are enough of them to illustrate a sort of trend.
In any case, what I’m driving at here is the fact that all of these soul mate and baby stories don’t seem entirely honest. I am thinking of one blog in particular that I read in the same way I read romance novels. Sometimes I melt a bit and think the heroine (ie. the writer of the blog) leads the perfect life with the perfect husband blah blah blah and the rest of the time I want to smack her across her beautiful face for being so self absorbed and lucky. Here is a woman who does a creative job working from an impossibly cute studio in her house where I’m sure she doesn’t have to worry about bringing in much money as her very handsome and perfect husband worries about that side of things. She swans around, typing out deep thoughts and obsessing over her life choices. Everything she writes about is virtuous. Even her flaws somehow come out as positives. I imagine her life to be wrapped in cotton wool. A protected, sterile existence where she is centre stage and the world worships at her carefully painted toes. She just doesn’t seem real to me. Doesn’t she ever wake up angry with the world? Does she never hold that anger instead of turning it into an entry in her blog whereby she worked through it, there was a sign from nature or the universe and her husband gave her a big hug and it was all okay again?
In short…is she really that perfect? A part of me is very envious. I’d love to have a husband to go out and make the “real money” while I fluffed around at home (this couple do not have children, so she really is fluffing around at home) writing little things and thinking deep thoughts and thanking all the people who make comments on my blog for giving me support and love and do they know how much they mean to me?
And we’re back to vomiting and obviously, I don't really want her life.
Perhaps it is just me, and whoever is reading this is thinking what a horrible bitch I am. I’m not. I’m a caring person, for the most part. I’m also scrupulously honest with myself and most of the time with other people. I don’t ignore the seedy underbelly of life. I like it, finding it infinitely more interesting than the warm fuzzies of life. I insist on making that underbelly a part of my “real” life. I’m not an angel. I don’t have wings and I don’t always see the best in everyone and everything. I get annoyed, envious and irritated. I lack patience sometimes. I’m a flawed creature. But at least I’m real. I’ll always give an honest and true answer. I won’t dress it up in its Sunday best and parade it before you with sweet words and patient insight that I think I’m supposed to feel as I show you how much I’ve learned and how much of a better place I’m in. I’ll get angry, I’ll beat it up and then I’ll reach a kind of war torn peace which I’ll share in the way survivors do.
I’m not afraid of the dark, or the wolves at the door, or the question marks in life. I think this is a good thing.
You go, girl! I normally don't read the prose posts but yours is great! Sucked me right in. Very refreshing!
Yes, we are flawed creatures! But hell, we're real! I like this post very much. It went well with my caffeine for the day. Cheers!
I hope my blog doesn't turn your stomach! I make a practice of omitting many harrowing details that might hurt other people should they happen to read them. Life has not been all smooth for me and my loved ones, but do you really want to hear about it?
Yes, I wrote "How I met the love of my life" in response to the SS prompt. Every word of it is true, but do Otto and I ever argue? Yes, usually every day. And you should hear us when we disagree as to how to access something on the web! Yet that deep underlying real love we share wipes away momentary anger as soon as an agreement is reached.
This long response means that I really enjoyed your blog - enough to feel compelled to reply to it.
Very funny, I enjoyed reading that... maybe because my life is so imperfect... but then again... perfect and imperfect are just opposite sides of the same coin!
Thank goodness. I was getting ready to beat my brains out if I read one more soul mate story. Mind you I believe some people are meant to be together. But come on everyone doesn’t marry his or her soul mate and no one is blissfully happy all the time. I’m a pretty happy guy, but boy there have been some down times too. Real life such as mortgages, children, deaths and other things happen, and they happen to everyone. It’s the challenges of life and how we respond to those challenges that make us who we are. I was someone who had to tie my life all up in a neat package and try to convince everyone I had a perfect marriage and life. Everyone was surprised when I walked out of it. It just got too difficult for me I couldn’t keep up with being perfect all the time. I guess I’m just a skeptic. By the way loved the post.
i really enjoyed your honesty bitch, I mean WITCH!! haha Please know that WAS a joke!
i really understand your point of view, but i feel VERY much like Granny does.. DO you really want to hear the parts of our lives that truly sucK?? We all have enough shit to deal with. Although I do rant often enough, LIKE the blogger you describe in your post, I would rather not hang out ALL the dirty laundry on the cyber clothes line.
Who would really give a shit?
But, humor and a positive spin? Who doesn't need that?
I also disagree that love is only for those 'perfect' types. Get out the barf bag.. but I think it's there for everyone.
Don't visit me Beautiful witch Unless You come equipped with a GIANT puke bag! YOU will hate my story.. and you won't believe me.. but I will tell you anyway.. it is 100% True!
( i have to admit.. I liked your post better than the mushy ones ) haha
Such funny, witchy kind of blog...loved it. Perfection is what happens when we tell it like we remember it and not how it really was!! :) I guess we are all a little guilty of that.
I sometimes agree about the "love" stuff, but I am happy for people who have found their soul mate. I seem to choose the wrong guys. I used to have romantic ideals and notions, but for me personally, it is unrealistic.
The topic this week just didn't appeal to me, so I didn't write anything.
That was funny and enjoyable and different. Read mine. I don't pretend that my life is nothing but sunshine and lollipops. Anyway, I liked your post a lot.
Agreed; perfection is dull and likely misleading!
Thank you for the comment about my wedding dress. That was a typical mini skirt type wedding dress for that day and age. Plus it saved me alot of money! By the way - yes I married my soul mate but if we didn't have God in our marriage our selfish human side would have probably caused us to break up many times. There was a movie out in the late sixties called "Love is never having to say your sorry" But thats wrong love is saying your sorry when your right and giving 100% and then some. By the way I was a virgin for my husband which makes sex extra good because you don't have to worry about diseases and finally yes he has been faithful to me and he still opens my car door for me. But no we both have had to work hard to make a living but we have been in business together. My daughter has a blog and she is a product of our love...(I think she turned out great! Of course, I am prejudice.) Finally you write beautifully and I do hope and pray that you will find your prince. Keep in touch.
Really liked your entry, very honest and true- I didn't think you were a bitch at all..if anyting I found your honesty refreshing, although intimidating as I wish I could let go and be so honest and true- with myself and others.
I think I should write my friend, lol, I do try to pay attention to omens, and the dream was so real and vivid- does make me wonder if she was thinking of me.
Your dogs sound great! they really are unconditional with their love, and I constantly learn from Charlie- he teaches me to be patient, and kind, and even how to soothe him- which I hope will translate in me learning to soothe myself, one can only hope.
Be Well, I too will be checking in again :)
Tell us how you really feel! ;)
I agree. Even though I'm not gay, I wouldn't mind a husband to go out and earn the money for me, so I could write and (what did you call it) fluff (?) around all day!
I tend to be brutally honest as well. Hey, life is short - fuck it.
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