Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm a work machine!

The puppies look like muppets in this picture, especially The Moo (in back)
I decided to do a little social experiment on myself this week.

I made a pledge that I would not access the internet at work. No Facebook, no Gmail, no Bloglines, no Wikipedia, nada, zip, zero, nothing. Only work email, because apparently I have to respond to that. I had a vague idea that I wanted to see the effect it would have on my motivation. I don't have issues with time management at work. I am not someone who runs around screaming "I'm so busy!" and complaining. Well, I complain. But not about not having enough time to do my job.

So, day one was pretty easy. Day two, a bit harder. Day three and four were really pretty intense. I felt like an addict needing my crack. "Just a quick search!" or "I could just Wiki that..." or "Maybe I should check my email". I stayed strong in the struggle until this afternoon when my boss told me to check out a job on a website and also, I had this really cute email with little panda pictures in it that I wanted to sent to a friend...

The final result is I was basically a work machine this week. I felt really productive and useful. Will I continue the experiment? Yes, but not for the same reasons.

I read a lot of blogs. I like the insight into other people's lives. I find it interesting and compellng. But I waste a lot of time reading about other people's lives that could be spent actually living MY life. I care a lot less about my blog reading this week. I want to spend my personal time on stuff that is important to me. Not other people's lives, not the tv and not always books (although I totally heart books forever and ever). This is a good lesson to learn.

I've been typing up my writing from my journals and I have about another 4000 words for my novel, so I'm doing pretty good. I'm really looking forward to NanNoWriMo in November! I've also been reading Memoirs of a Geisha which I'll blog about in my Sunday Salon post.

Well, I'm off to live my life.


Melanie Margaret said...

this post made me smile!
Good for you!

Tanya Gwen Minnick said...

You are so wonderful! Thank you for all the advice on being a multiple dog far they seem to be getting along well- I try to let them sort things out- but its hard to stand back at times.
Thank you soo much!!
And your girls are so very beautiful!!! they do come to us- don't they - at exactly the time when we need them :)
be well
hugs from all of us :)

rebecca said...

Oh you are a courageous woman! How many times have I said I won't go on the internet and how many times do I fail? Have zilcho, nada, zero willpower. And a full week at that! Oh my.... my hats off to you girl. Good for you, I'll see if I can do the same .... *sigh* well, let's see if I can just get through one day.....

radio chick said...

Cute picture...and yes I know I could finish my work in 30 minutes but I take the other hour and a half to surf the web. I feel so guilty but it wont stop me! lol