Day One: Life Assessment
I'm a few days behind on
Soul Coaching but I'm trying not to let that bother me. I have happily read the overview for Day 1 and I took some really deep breaths and put the affirmation to work:
My evaluation of myself is not who I am
That affirmation has given me considerable thought and I am still processing it. If I am not who I think I am, then who am I? What a fascinating question...
I have chosen
Level 1 for today's activity, mainly because I am a little behind and am keen to get back on track. The author of Soul Coaching, Denise Linn, says that it is fine to revisit activities later on so I hope to come back to the more time consuming activities for Day One later in the month.
The Level 1 Activity is:
Assessing Your Life. Where am I in my life right now?
Health - I am keen for both my physical and mental health to reinvigorate my exercise and healthy eating program. Today, I feel like I have eaten too much food and I haven't eaten food that my body truly wants. I've let my body become clogged with fats and sugars again. They make so much noise and so many demands, I can't hear what my body truly needs. I want to hear again.
Relationships - I am happy in my relationships with my family and friends. I want to put some more time into a couple of my friends I haven't seen in a while, so I will make plans with them this week.
Finances - I feel like I am making progress in paying off my debts. They are happy debts (or as happy as debts can be!) as I have more than enough money to pay them back and the money already spent went towards a wonderful holiday. I want to continue to pay off what I owe and then start saving for the next holiday.
Career - This is a tough one. My job is not the perfect job. It's okay, and there are parts of it I really enjoy. There are large parts of it that I don't find as enjoyable. I know it is not the "right" job for me (whatever that means) and I am exploring alternatives. I need challenges and fresh ideas.
Creativity - My main creative outlet is writing. I've signed up for NaNoWriMo this month, which requires me to write at least 1,666 words a day in order to meet the 50,000 word goal by November 30. I fell a little behind, but I'm only about 900 words behind now and I've written 5756 words. I'm so proud of myself! I like to paint and journal too, but both those activities have gotten a bit lost, so I want to return to them. They make me happy.
Spiritual Fulfillment - I am starting to re-explore my spiritual beliefs and spiritual life. Slowly, slowly. It is too fragile to try and analyse or explain at this point. I want my spirituality to be re-discovered and re-defined in an organic, natural way. I am committed to this.
My intention for the next 28 days is to learn to really listen to myself - mind, body and spirit. I intend to put extra effort into reconnecting with these parts of myself. I will be mor conscious of what I feed my body. I will connect with my spirituality. I wil write and paint and journal. I will turn off the tv and put down the book to actually do these things. I will nurture my relationships and make myself aware of how I travel through my life. I will choose to see he positive in a sea of negative.
Finally, a few things to share on air. I wandered outside today at my office. We have gardens filled with rose bushes that are well over 50 years old. I carefully cut some flowers (only the ones almost finished blooming with no other buds) and spent some time avoiding the thorns and watching the butterflies. They were beautiful. I saw a vivid orange one zoom off on a breeze and I realised it didn't know where it was going, but it was GOING. I am going. I am not sure where, but I'm going.
I was sitting in my lounge room and telling my Mum that I couldn't bear to hear any more sad news. I heard my soul speak to me. It said "You must let the happiness and the good times take up more space in your heart than the sadness and the bad times." How remarkable.