Friday, April 30, 2010

52 Sources of Inspiration

1. Journal writing
2. My puppies
3. Rainbow coloured beads in a glass jar
4. The smell of rain on asphalt
5. A really good night's sleep
6. A new gel pen
7. Dreams
8. Stationary stores
9. Payday
10. Time off from work
11. Photography
12. Other people's blogs
13. Art supplies
14. Painting
15. Cupcakes
16. Rainy days and warm blankets
17. Trip planning
18. New books arriving in the mail
19. My Ipod on shuffle setting
20. My favourite podcasts
21. Bright coloured summer dresses
22. Post it notes
23. Ribbons attached to USB drives
24. Ponytails
25. The smell of soil and freshly mowed grass
26. Warm pasta in my tummy
27. Bubble baths
28. L'Occitane products
29. A really good book
30. A really good guidebook to writing
31. Sedona, Arizona
32. New pyjamas from Frankie and Johnny
33. A long and laughter filled conversation with a friend over a good meal
34. Water, and lots of it
35. Swimming
36. A trip to the library
37. Taking my laptop to Dome after work and writing for an hour or two with a skinny cap
38. Reading books I wish I had written myself and learning from them
39. Hearing people talk with passion about what it is they want to do or are doing with their lives
40. Chalk an chalk boards, whiteboard markers and whiteboards, paints and canvas
41. The colours green and sky blue
42. Connections to my past - to family members gone, friends departed and the knowledge that I'm always moving forward and becoming a better person
43. Sleep ins on a Saturday morning
44. Perspective
45. Venice, Italy; Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland
46. Museums and galleries
47. Workshops and classes and the people I meet in them
48. People are watching, supporting and loving me, even if they can't be with me in this world
49. Money in the bank
50. Coffee
51. The beach - it calls to me like a siren
52. The knowledge that I'm already here

Exercise suggested from 52 Projects: Random Acts of Everyday Creativity

Monday, April 26, 2010

A day like no other

I woke up early this morning, anxious and fearful.

I decided there was nothing else to do but make today a day like no other.

All of my mornings start with these two faces.

Some mornings start with pancakes.

I wrote in my journal for an hour non stop, that's it in the bottom of the photo.
Then I watched an episode on the net of 16 and Pregnant.

I went to MILKD. I never go here. I go across the street, sit at the same table in the same cafe with the same waitress. Today I went inside the trendy cafe.

I drank my skinny cap and marked assessments.
First self portrait. It's bad, but that's okay. I never take self portraits and rarely post photos of myself on my blog.

On a whim, I decided to get on the train to Fremantle.

I went to

And ate...

a yummy cheeseburger. That's my first Vonnegut on the left. I bought it in the second hand store a little bit down from Soho.

Second self portrait of the day - in the bathroom of Soho. Not much better than the first.
Then I wandered about a bit, window shopping.
Then I got on the train, where the view out the window looked like this:

Ocean, ocean, ocean.

When I got back to my stop I went here

Where the roof looks like this:

And I drank a chai latte and did more marking.

I was pretty over it at this point, so I went home and watched more episodes of 16 and Pregnant, almost blowing my monthly internet allowance 10 days shy of the next allowance and did more marking.

It truly was a day like no other.
I took risks.
Forced myself to do things I'd rather not do.
Looked at the place I live through the lens of my camera.
Got lots of assessments marked.
Found Kurt Vonnegut.

Survived another day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Where does the wind blow?

Fate's Gate, New Zealand

The edits on the novel are kicking my ass.

Mollie Moo's ear is better. She whines when I put the ear drops in. There is nothing aggressive inside of her. She won't believe I would hurt her on purpose, so she cries to make me understand she's sad. No one loves me as totally as Mollie Moo does. I am imperfectly perfect to her. Thank God I found her.

I made it through a couple of books from the Clear Away The Clutter Read-a-thon. Not as many as I would have liked, but I made a start. Fallen was lovely, Vampire Academy was sassy. It's good to immerse myself in fiction when I'm writing. I don't understand writers who don't read when they're writing. How do they stand it?

I'm watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles, season two. I'm into it, but man is it depressing.

Where does the wind blow? The wind blows to predestination, my darling. You can see it from Fate's Gate.