Friday, April 16, 2010

Where does the wind blow?

Fate's Gate, New Zealand

The edits on the novel are kicking my ass.

Mollie Moo's ear is better. She whines when I put the ear drops in. There is nothing aggressive inside of her. She won't believe I would hurt her on purpose, so she cries to make me understand she's sad. No one loves me as totally as Mollie Moo does. I am imperfectly perfect to her. Thank God I found her.

I made it through a couple of books from the Clear Away The Clutter Read-a-thon. Not as many as I would have liked, but I made a start. Fallen was lovely, Vampire Academy was sassy. It's good to immerse myself in fiction when I'm writing. I don't understand writers who don't read when they're writing. How do they stand it?

I'm watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles, season two. I'm into it, but man is it depressing.

Where does the wind blow? The wind blows to predestination, my darling. You can see it from Fate's Gate.

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