So even though it was chilly today I decided to venture downtown on the bus. This is my second day of taking the bus, after the very sad return of my rental car. Buses seem to be filled with more than their fair share of weirdos.
For example, yesterday I am waiting patiently for the bus outside the mall.
Stranger dude: That's a nice jacket. Where did you get it?
Me: Thanks, it's from Old Navy.
Stranger: It's real nice.
Me: Thanks.
Stranger: They have good sales there.
Me: Yup.
Stranger: Does it keep you warm and comfy? Does it feel good?
Me: Yup. [starting to feel like I am in a bad afterschool special]
Stranger: Are you in the military?
Me: Nope.
Thank God, the bus arrived then and even though we were on the same bus, I sat next to a little old Mexican lady who looked at me like I was crazy because of all the empty seats.
Today I am downtown at a bus stop. A woman (I thought at the time) sat next to me and the conversation went like this:
Woman (who was actually a man): It's strange the things that will get men mad.
Me: Yes, it is.
Woman/Man: I have a genetic condition and I look like a woman, but I'm a man.
Me: I see.
Man (gender is now established): Men come up to me all the time and want to get with me and when I tell them I'm a man they say I'm lying. I tell them they believe what they want to believe, but I am a man. I then says to them, maybe you might be gay, coming onto a man.
Me: [thinking there is no surer way to piss off a heterosexual male other than to tell him he might be gay] I see.
And so it went for about 10 minutes, with this man telling me he didn't believe in homosexuality and the US was a sinning country and he was a preacher spreading the word of Christ and all around him was Sodom and Gomorrah. This spiel was interrupted by the arrival of a curbside preacher who proceeded to shout about saving our souls and how Christ must wash our sins away. He was shouting really loudly, bible in hand. And I guess he had a captive audience, given that we were all waiting for buses and none of us were going to just leave.
So really, the bus sucks. And I haven't even told the story of the two cigar smoking dudes at the bus stop two streets away from me who were courting offers from passing motorists. Offers for what I don't exactly know, and don't want to know. I kept my Ipod earplugs firmly in.
Downtown I made the purchases you see in the photo above. The body lotion smells great. I told the girl I wanted something fruity, but I ended up with myrrh scented lotion which has an unusually soft scent. At home I can grind myrrh and burn it on charcoal discs at my leisure. Here, in the attic, the lotion must suffice.
I also bought two DVD's - "Where the Heart Is" which is a movie I've always loved, for reasons unknown to me. Maybe because it is about making a life, making a family and finding love unexpectedly. The other is "The Thorn Birds" which is an Australian novel turned US filmed mini series from the late 80's. I love it because of the unrequited love, the not happy ending and the fact that Ralph really did love Meggie, he was just too utterly stupid to see she was far more precious than the church, until it was too late.
I also bought 7 cards - I never do that. I never do Christmas cards, but this year I wanted to, so I went with it. The cards are cute.
* Not photographed was my birthday cake flavoured and pumpkin flavoured icecream, three bus tickets and the ribs I ate at Tony Roma's.
Finally, a bit of a rant about spitting. I have seen about five different people spit today. Repeatedly. Often. All men, all seemingly unaaware of how utterly disgusting it is to have to watch. Where do they get all that spit from anyway? I never spit. Ever. Well, I do when I brush my teeth, but that is just toothpaste. So if you're reading this and you're a guy who spits in public - stop it. Just don't do it. It is revolting, disgusting and really, I'd rather see you cut off your right arm than spit in front of me. It's extreme, but that's how I feel.
I feel better after that rant. Expect more ranting after my first day of work tomorrow. *sigh*
lol, well If you think spitting is disgusting I would tend to agree with you NORMALLY at least,,,,,
However when I first read that for a moment just a moment I thought spit/spitting said shit/ shitting.........suddenly I was actually relieved to see someone was only spitting......guess it is true......it's all relative.
That's funny.
Someone told me once that when they were in India people would just take a dump, right there in the street, pull their pants up and go back to whatever they were doing.
In that case, yup, spitting would be preferable to shitting. In all other cases, spitting is disgusting.
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